Book Descriptions

Your captivating book cover design has compelled potential readers to click and learn more about your book. Now, it’s the book description’s turn to seal the deal! It must persuade them that your book is a must-have, urging them to make the purchase without delay!

For more information, please see below.



Book Descriptions

This is an area that many authors overlook at their peril.  A book description is far more than just a general summary.

Your amazing book cover design has left your potential reader with no choice but to click on your book to find out more about it.  The book description is the clincher!  It has to convince them that they must have this book and buy it now!

A compelling book description must, in general, hook the reader in the first few words, build interest and include a Call To Action (CTA). The type of book description will depend on whether you write fiction or non-fiction because each of these genres requires a specific format to make it super effective.

Our copywriting experts have one mission and that is to design a highly persuasive book description that will leave customers clicking the BUY NOW button!


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