
Why do I need to format my book?

Quite simply, formatting ensures that your book meets the requirements of the Amazon publishing platform and provides an enjoyable reading experience for the customer.

Formatting looks at fonts, font sizes, alignment, line spacing, indents, margins, trim size, pilcrows, page and sections breaks to name a few – everything that goes into the visual appearance of the finished book.  If your book has poor readability, then sales will suffer.

Excellent formatting will help elicit good reviews and stop large numbers of returns because readers expect an acceptable standard of presentation.  So to ensure rolling book sales and increased profits, ensure your book is formatted by experts.  Why spend hours (or even days!) of frustration messing around with Word when we can lighten your load?

We offer easy to calculate rates for formatting. See below.




E-book and Print Formatting

  • Epub file suitable for Kindle, D2D, Kobo and all major online stores
  • Clickable Table of Contents
  • PDF ready file for print formats
  • Rates are the same for one e-book or print format
  • 5 images
  • 2 revisions
  • Delivery within 7 days

        Up to 15,000 words               $59
        45,000 words                          $129
        65,000 words                          $189
        100,000 words                       $249

        For manuscripts over 100,000 words, please add $40 per 10,000 words. 


2 reviews for Formatting

  1. Graham Cann

    “My brother Glenn was in the process of getting a book published with the help of Jules and Graham (Chas Cann Publishers). Sadly he passed away before completion … With their wonderful help I was in turn able to complete the transaction and Glenn’s book (Word Etchings) was published before his funeral. I cannot thank them enough for their help which was second to none. I would recommend them in a heartbeat.”

    Cheryl Holmes, Norwich UK

  2. Graham Cann

    “Julie was magnificent. She not only helped me format but also helped me look into the issues I went through … I am glad I received her input and her advice. Her encouragement is what impressed me for my project to be published around the world … She is here for any novelist making a start.”

    Shusindren, Singapore

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